Sisältöön Sivustokartta

Neve’s database for contractors

This page is an introduction to Neves HSEQ (Occupational health, -safety, environmental and quality) requirements.

Safety- and Environmental Manual sets minimum requirements for your work

Neve’s Safety and Environmental Manual determines the minimum requirements for taking safety and environmental aspects into account in the operations of contractors, and contracted service providers and suppliers at Neve’s sites and locations.

Everyone can influence their own and other employees’ safety by removing risk factors before commencing work, making observations of safety deviations, and complying with the safety guidelines. Every employee has a right to suspend work that may cause an immediate or serious danger to themselves or others.

Everyone is responsible for creating a culture of safety through their actions and serving as an example to others. If we all operate in a consistent way and remind others of the rules that we share, we will be able to return home after the workday, safe and sound. The aim is to have zero occupational accidents!

Neve Oy and Neve Isommus Oy use a certified ISO 14001 environmental system, an ISO 9001 quality management system and an ISO 45001 occupational health and safety system. These standards form the framework for the systematic management and development of the environmental, quality and safety elements.

All employees working in any area or at any worksite must have valid occupational safety training and completed Safety- and Environmental Manuals induction and test.

Induction to the Safety and Environmental Manual

All external contractors, contracted service providers and suppliers, and other external employees working at Neve’s sites must study Neve’s Safety and Environmental Manual before commencing work. The induction to the Safety and Environmental Manual takes place in Neve’s HSEQ-application called Priima. The induction will remain valid for one calendar year at a time.

In the induction employees must familiarize with the induction material, after which a test is carried by. To pass the test, every answer must be correct. Test can be tried again unlimited times after failure.

Induction and test take ca. 30-60 minutes. Induction must be done in one session, and can’t be continued after returning.

Guide to induction of the Safety and Environmental Manual

Link to induction material and test:

Deviation reporting

Neve uses an HSEQ application called Priima. Safety, security, quality, environmental and cyber- / information security deviations, accident and near miss incident reports, safety walk-arounds (TR, MVR and MVRS) and brief safety meetings are recorded into the system.

Neve requires that a service provider or supplier note all the observations, near miss incident and accident reports, as well as worksite safety walk-arounds/meetings in the Priima application. Priima can be used on a smartphone or web browser on PC.

Observations can  be made without user ID at or through a QR code

QR-koodi urakoitsijoille

QR-code for deviation reporting.

Occupational accidents and close call incidents must be reported without delay to the Neve (e.g. by phone or via email) and recorded in Priima. The accidents and near miss incidents must be processed by Neve and the service provider or supplier as soon as possible.


Niko Kuivala, (0)40 182 7784

Veera Pikkarainen, (0)40 483 7896

Anne Strandman, (0)40 701 9939

Annika Moberg,, +358 40 186 6145


Priima Guide to report deviations